Sunday, March 28, 2010

Laughter and affection!

Some sweet facts:

Laughter is one of my absolute FAVORITE things in life. Thank You God for giving us the gift of laughter! Giggles are sweet. Chuckles are nice. But the best of all is where you can't catch your breath, your abs hurt, your eyes water, it just won't stop, and it catches on to everyone around you! I say this because I laughed like this for the first time in a long time (not because things haven't been funny...this was just one of those really good ones) today with my family, over something so little but so sweet...ole Popps. Laughter is something that can completely change things around...think about it. If you are having a terrible day where everything is going wrong, one good laugh, the kind that kind of lingers around for a while, will completely change your mood! Or if some one is really upset about something and you talk through it with them and then at the end you usually try to leave them with at least a little chuckle. Me and God get a lot of good laughs in...some times when some thing funny happens to me and there's no one around to share in the fun I just talk and laugh about it with God. After all, it is not all that fun to laugh by yourself. So the facts (according to random internet sources) laughter gets your blood flowing and is good for the immune system. I mean it just makes you look at life in a positive light, and in a world that at times seems to be struggling to hang on, we all need that reminder to put things in perspective.

We all need to feel the love! And I have always been a bit of a cuddler!! I love to snuggle, so I guess you could say physical touch is one of my stronger Love Languages. I have never really noticed the effects of physical touch until the past few months, when it was lacking. Shannon Stokes, my college minister at First, always told us that everyone needs at least 5 (I think it was 5 or so...maybe 7...not sure but several!) positive physical touches everyday! In Ruston, I was always hugging or high fiving or something, but in Longview I didn't know anyone well enough to hug 'em...I mean really hug 'em where you know you mean it:) I remember my first trip back to see everyone in from the BCM, I met them in Shreveport for a conference, and I felt so refreshed. I didn't quite realize what it was until after the fact, but it was genuine meaningful touch! HUGS from people I knew and loved and knew loved me...HUGS. This is probably why I kept going back more and more often during my time in TX lol. Because I just love hugs and I needed to be lovingly touched! Everyone needs it! Something about it...maybe it's how it breaks down barriers and it's proven (again random internet source) to be good for your heart. You can take a deep breath when you are in a stressful situation and someone holds you tight. You feel safe and secure. And it's sweet when it comes from people who know you and have a relationship with you of some kind, but not everyone has people like that in their lives, so it is all of our responsibility to step out of our comfortable bubble and break the personal space rule and love and hug people! ok now I will step down from that box... Jesus touched and He still does. But since He is not currently physically with us, though He is perfectly capable to do so from right where He is on the throne, He has given us that sweet privilege to be His arms to wrap around His people! Touch can be awkward at times, lets just be honest...I've had my share of awkward hugs, but don't let it stop me Lord... the fear of awkwardness is just something Satan uses to convince us to stay in our comfortable bubble. Did I say I stepped down from that soap box...Ok now I really will. I completely wasn't expecting all that...I guess God needed to show me what He was teaching me:)

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