Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well I took a nap today, which will explain why I am up at almost 1 am writing.

This week I became very overwhelmed with my life. Like to the point where I was having trouble sleeping (which I NEVER have trouble sleeping! I enjoy sleep way too much), lost my appetite a bit (another thing that never happens), and was on the verge of tears at any given moment. I wouldn't call this stress; I prefer to use the term overwhelmed. I just am weary from life.
So what I have learned needs to happen in these times is to stop and put things in the right perspective. My life is not about me, it is not about a job or money or friends or the comforts we seem to believe we have the rights to , but it is all, 100%, completely, about Him. (Yes this is a truth we all know! But I have also learned this year that knowing truth is one thing, but when God puts you in a place where you must put it into practice, that is very difficult and great all at the same time.) I then begin to realize that wherever I am and whatever God has me doing, no matter how small and insignificant the task may seem, I will and should and deeply desire to do it with all I have for His glory. Because you see it is all about obedience. OK let me back up, I was struggling with feeling like I was not doing anything great for His name. I wasn't risking my life for the Gospel. I mean pretty much I have just been staying home. I am so ready to go on another mission trip. I ache for a chance to hold and hug hurting children and to love the poor, but God has me at home, which I know is right where I need to be and I am so enjoying it. But sometimes I just feel like I should be doing more...point is even though being home right now seems insignificant and boring at times, it is where God has me and I will be obedient in the small things. For He will know that we love Him by our obedience to Him (paraphrase I am getting too sleepy to look it up).

So if this late night blog of jumbled thoughts even makes sense I will wrap it up by saying: No matter how overwhelming life seems to get, I will take it on with the strength given to me in Christ. I will have the joy of the Lord. I will be strive to be set apart. Looking forward to what is ahead and keeping my eyes on my Master, who is just longing for me to wait and see what amazing things He has in store.

And to the fam: No worries this does not mean I am looking to or feel called to go over seas for permanent missions one day. I am just ready for short term trips again. I love you and am so thankful for you all.

1 comment:

  1. Whew! I was getting worried! HaHa! We love you and are enjoying you being home! Just wait on God! It's all in His perfect timing!!
