Monday, January 17, 2011


Oh my how quick I am to say every season that I will NOT be watching the Bachelor or Bachelorette and how easily I fall into the trap when I see the commercials. They of course lure you in with the drama of it all, and I can't resist seeing what it is all about. DUMB is how I would describe the show, but it is also quite a sad show. My heartbreaks for girls who are so driven by finding love that they will go on this show and compete for it. I could talk for hours about how sad this show is, but I will stop there. The Bachelor is of course an extreme picture of this but it is everywhere I look. Girls and boys living their lives driven by the fact that they are looking for their significant other. I am no exception. I mean in the sense that I long to marry and have a family, to be loved and to love someone that adores me and that I adore, but how thankful I am that that is not what drives me. Sure I have crummy days where I ask God "When will it be my turn" or "Ugh I would really at least like to know that there is someone out there." I cannot express to you how thankful I am for a God who is quick to remind me that He has great things in store. Great things for me as I live for Him single and great things when He brings me a husband to serve alongside. My heart breaks for these girls because they may never know the ultimate satisfaction that comes in being in love with the God who is LOVE and because even after they find that special someone, they will still be heartbroken because that special someone will never be able to love them the way they were created to be loved, by a Holy God whose love will leave them in awe. So my encouragement to my single friends is that it is not because you are unlovable because you are unconditionally loved! or because you aren't good looking because created you and that makes you BEAUTIFUL! but because God has something great in store for you now as you are single and for your future with that lucky special someone:) So let God work in His wonderful way, pursue Christ and seek after Him, and He will take care of you more than you can ever imagine.
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourselves also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."

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