Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Was that really me?!?

Psalms 139: 23-24 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

So today was job fair. I get there and there are at least a billion people there, which I am sure you would agree is a bit overwhelming considering there are very few job openings likely for the fall. But anyways as I was standing in line with the rest of my fellow job applicants, the two girls in front of me were talking and then we all kind of began chatting small talk. Well as I was listening and chatting with them some I began to realize that I truly didn't want to talk to them because I didn't want to like them because they were my competition. And if I started to chat with them and liked them, which most teachers are pretty friendly and chatty so it was likely that I would like them, then I would be happy for them and want them to get a job(yeah! try to figure out how my brain works, it takes talent) What?!?! That is not me at all!! I am 1. not competitive 2. like talking to random people 3. I like to like people. I found this quite funny on my way out of there that I had these genuine feelings towards all 1 billion people there. Like it was their fault that I wasn't going to get the slightest chance of getting a job ... oh my!! BUT I of course believe that if God wants me at one of these schools not even 1 trillion applicants will stop it from happening as long as I do my part. AND I am genuinely excited for people, yes even elementary school teacher who get the job that I would like to have, when they get a job and it works out well for them!!! So even though I turned around and walked out of job fair (they were all booked up) it was not a waste because I learned a little something about myself,an area that needs some improvement.

Then I went on with my day and had some more giggles over some random little things...I love life and living it. Now on to Nanny and Poppy's!!! Today will only get better:)

For in ALL things may God be glorified!!!

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