Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Was that really me?!?

Psalms 139: 23-24 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

So today was job fair. I get there and there are at least a billion people there, which I am sure you would agree is a bit overwhelming considering there are very few job openings likely for the fall. But anyways as I was standing in line with the rest of my fellow job applicants, the two girls in front of me were talking and then we all kind of began chatting small talk. Well as I was listening and chatting with them some I began to realize that I truly didn't want to talk to them because I didn't want to like them because they were my competition. And if I started to chat with them and liked them, which most teachers are pretty friendly and chatty so it was likely that I would like them, then I would be happy for them and want them to get a job(yeah! try to figure out how my brain works, it takes talent) What?!?! That is not me at all!! I am 1. not competitive 2. like talking to random people 3. I like to like people. I found this quite funny on my way out of there that I had these genuine feelings towards all 1 billion people there. Like it was their fault that I wasn't going to get the slightest chance of getting a job ... oh my!! BUT I of course believe that if God wants me at one of these schools not even 1 trillion applicants will stop it from happening as long as I do my part. AND I am genuinely excited for people, yes even elementary school teacher who get the job that I would like to have, when they get a job and it works out well for them!!! So even though I turned around and walked out of job fair (they were all booked up) it was not a waste because I learned a little something about myself,an area that needs some improvement.

Then I went on with my day and had some more giggles over some random little things...I love life and living it. Now on to Nanny and Poppy's!!! Today will only get better:)

For in ALL things may God be glorified!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sweet Engagements!

Yipee for sweet couples who are deciding to grow old together!! I think it is such a beautiful, fun, and exciting time!!! And I LOVE weddings and talking about them and dressing up for them and seeing you kiss and looking all lovey dovey and stuff and seeing how wonderfully God puts wonderful people that I love together!! I can't wait to watch and see how God is glorified through all the marriages and one day little families of people that mean so much to me!! Thank you all for being wonderful!! And a special congrats to my newly engaged best friend Amanda Dee and Scott Witte!! I am quite enjoying talking wedding with my best friend that I have known and treasured since birth. Crazy!!!

And to all you sweet single people! It's OK we have it pretty great as well!! We get to just have fun all the time whenever we want!!! So we should have a party!!!! But I mean Mr. Right could come knocking at my door sooner than later;) Just saying!! But we have a blessed time with the Lord ... an undivided heart. He has our full attention ... we just have to remind ourselves to take advantage of this time sometimes!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cowboy up ... convict style:)

So this weekend I got to go to the Angola rodeo! It was really great! 1st of all if you have never been to Angola it is super pretty!! It was really a day filled with beautiful creation and sweet little houses in the country because Amanda's dad took us down all these back roads to get there, which some people may not have thought was that great because we were a little late, but I found it quite lovely, and we walked in right as they were starting the 1st event!! Ya know sometimes things don't go as planned, but sometimes the day can be even greater because of it (one lesson of the day:) )
Moving along. It was kind of crazy that we were in a penitentiary or something like that (excuse the spelling) where over 5000 (Ashley correct me if I am wrong) men who have done some pretty bad things live. It just amazes me that they make this work. A few thousand people come onto the grounds and 5000 inmates and we get to have a good time together ( I mean of course they weren't all out there and we didn't like hang out with them in the stands lol but maybe you can kind of get my point).
As you enter the campus, there is a quote that says something about entering a place where you are coming into to a place where the past is the past and there are new and better things ahead (Ok so that was a runon sent, a major paraphrase, and my interpretation all together, whew maybe you can make something of it). I just loved this sweet quote, whatever it did say, because it was evident that that is what they wanted this place to be. A place to help these men change and to put the past behind them and work through whatever brought them to Angola, so they could start a new. As we walked around the crafts that they make, it was so great to see all that they do and through their art, how they really were trying to change. And every man I saw, I just wanted to know their story, just know what brought them there and how they had changed and what caused them to change. It was fun to see them having fun too.
Yes I know these are some bad guys with a bad past, but forgiveness and mercy are not reserved for the "small" sins and the people who have it all together or relatively together ... The beauty of our Saviour. He doesn't love these men any less for what they have done. He hurts because of it, but He loves them and longs for them to come to Him.
Here was one of my favorite parts of the actual show... they are monkeys rounding up sheep on the backs of border collies. They are miniature cowboys:) (This video isn't from the show but they are the same monkeys and they did the same thing. We weren't allowed to bring cameras)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hhhhmmm.... I wonder...

Aaahhh to wonder.Wondering about things, random things, is quite fun! If you have never done so, I believe you should try it one day. Wondering is great because it's often about things that you may never find the answer to so you just make one up or when you do get the answer it's fun to see what it is.

I wonder...

* how fun it would be if life was a musical. Everyone randomly just break out in song and dance! I believe that this would be wonderful!

* what happened to houses with wrap around porches. I just don't see a lot of new houses with them these days and this makes me sad:(

* what it sounds like in Heaven when everyone's praying, singing, and praising God both here on earth and heaven, not to mention all of creation. What seems like it would be quite chaotic and noisy to our human minds, must be an amazingly beautiful sound!

* what your story is.

* will I EVER be able to learn another language. The languages I would like to master would be Spanish and sign of these days!

* what country will I one day adopt from.

* how do the fish know to eat the dirt out of the hippos mouth and how did the hippo know they were doing it and open his mouth for them (compliments of Life on the Discovery channel).

* what will my legacy be. When people meet you and move on or generations after you talk about you as a mother, wife, etc., what will they say?

*what are dreams all about. Like if you stop and think about dreams they (dreaming in general) are weird. Like the kind you have when you sleep, not the kind for your future.

* what it would be like to ride horses everywhere like in the old days or maybe Wyoming even today:) And what it was like back then when life was slower and people just stopped by unannounced and you stopped and visited and ate pie.

* what we will learn in this little journey my family has just begun.

* when girls will learn that modest really is hottest!!

* if I will be a good gardner one day. I want to grow pretty flowers, so I can always have fresh flowers in the house. I also want to grow food one of these days...just to say I ate something I grew. I tried lettuce got baked by the sun:/

* what it would be like to go to outerspace!

* what is the funniest things God has seen people do!

* what you wonder about....please share:)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tonight I have learned...

Ah after some little random events tonight I have learned one thing ... one day there will be a cute and wonderful guy that I will marry and one day soon after the "I dos" this great guy will realize what he has gotten himself into:) I give it a week and that is me being hopeful lol
Here let me explain ... you see I would love to say that I am this great little homemaker who can cook and clean and take care of business. Which I guess I can do all of these things, I just keep things interesting when I do them:) Here are some recent examples:

Driving: Backing out of the driveway Friday I hit and knocked down the trash can and it is a rather large trash can.

Cooking: Melted our microwave cover while overcooking the rice.

Making the bed: Let's just say that fitted sheet gets me every time, so I required some assistance.

Cell phone and keys: They are 90% of the time no where to be found when I need them, so anytime I get ready to leave the house, I usually have to go hunt down one of these items.

Finances: I have recently been keeping up with my spending on an excel spreadsheet, and I am 5 dollars off and have no idea what's going on there. Not to mention I am being told that all of the check stubs, receipts, bills, etc. that I have been tearing up into small pieces and throwing away should be nicely filed away for at least a year or so.

Distractions: I am easily distracted and this just adds to the confusion. So I will begin one task, start on another, go back to the first midway between the second, sit down and watch a show until commercial break, and then go back and complete the tasks at hand:)

Sleeping: I am a crazy busy sleeper ... never do I stay in one spot! I get all tangled up in the sheets. And to top it all off I wear a incredibly attractive retainer. I didn't have braces for nothing!

TV: I am a terrible channel changer. And sometimes I just go through the guide to have something to do during a commercial break (ugh too much TV in my life right now!)

Haha! Can't wait to see what great times will come from such events as these and to learn all of the things that make him interesting as well.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Festivities

Today I got to spend some sweet time with my cousins and Mawmaw and Pawpaw. The kids and I dyed easter eggs and decorated cupcakes! This is why it's good to be home!