If I had to choose another profession (which I love my job, so I am not in the market) I would love to be a nutritionist. I love the idea of cooking everything clean from scratch, healthy, knowing what I am doing and knowing what's really good for you. If only I could cook...one day I will be able to! I really have no need to right now living at home. I love the idea of encouraging others to do the same and learning how others live their own healthy lifestyles.
ANYWAYS soo I am starting a journey. A journey to make healthy habits more of a part of my life. Not a fad diet or a quick fix, but a slow steady move towards being the best me I can be physically, mentally, and spiritually for the long term. One step at a time.
Step 1: Detox
- I will begin by fasting on Monday with lots of water and maybe some lemon and mint in there. The goal of the week is to get past the sweets and caffeine cravings.
Step 2: More strength work
I am a runner, and I love it. But I need a change, so I am going to change out one of my days of running with some other sort of strength training since I am not training for any runs right now. I would like to build up better lean muscle and tone up some.
The absolute only reason I am posting it through a blog is because every weekend I say next week is the week. And well that hasn't been working for me;) In fact I have thought about writing this post for quite sometime now, but I wasn't too sure about it...still not too sure about it lol. So I hope this will hold me accountable and maybe encourage someone else along the way. And if you so choose to join me on this journey, I would love to walk it with you!
I will try to post about once a week to let you know how my journey is going and what new challenge I have set before myself. Most importantly I would love to walk this journey with others, so please let me know what you are doing to challenge yourself to make healthier habits more a part of your life.