Saturday, June 11, 2011

Welcome to Tulane

So week one was full of unexpected excitement. Here are just a few examples:
*almost lost air conditioning one night, but thankfully they changed their plans and did it while everyone was out on sites
*lost hot water 2 nights I believe. Thankfully my showers were taken before they were supposed to cut it off.
*had quite a few logistical kinks to work out with a few some of Tulane's services (lunches, traffic, quiet hours, etc.)
*major thunderstorms blew threw while people were on sites or traveling back from sites
*on a lighter note a movie was being filmed just one building over from us on campus. A couple guys were able to see the set and the filming for a bit. Our director's husband saw Bruce Willis at Cafe Dumonde which we were probably less than a block away from at the time.

Well my official week starts Monday, so we shall see how that goes. But it was very neat to see that God had a purpose for having me off this week because I was able to 1. see how things worked and kind of figure things out 2. help when all the logistical craziness was going on, where I wouldn't have been able to had I had campers. I am very excited about the work God has been doing here at Tulane and around New Orleans. Neighborhoods are hearing about what we are here for and are being blessed because of it. Students have been challenged and are growing in exciting ways. They are doing things they didn't expect to be doing when they signed up for their track, and I believe really enjoying it. It has also blessed my heart to hear some of the adults talking about how their students were loving on the Tulane staff like the cafeteria workers and the maintenance people that they see everyday. I pray that these sweet workers see the love of Jesus in each group that comes through and through us as a staff and are forever changed because of it. Great things have already begun to happen and I believe the best is yet to come. Thank you week one campers for coming through and beginning to lay the groundwork for those still to come this year and hopefully for years to come:)!

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