Sunday, July 17, 2011

His plans may be to great of a mystery for me to handle sometimes...

What are you waiting for Lord... Haha how many times have I prayed a prayer along these lines to my beautiful Father. Camp has been amazing, and I will do it again in a heart beat if that's what the Lord calls me to do next summer. But I can't help but think how ready I am, no how much I crave, the simple homey know the one where you are tied down and have responsibilities. It's ironic because everyone tells me how lucky I am to not have any commitments and that I am able to do whatever I want, and it is all I can do to nod and smile. It's ironic because I can honestly say that I crave the tied down life. The life with responsibilities and someone that I have to consult with before doing things. I think it has a lot to do with my desire to just love and serve someone. Someone who I get to share life with, through the good and the bad. Someone to serve the Lord alongside. Someone who's stuck with me...oh who will be so lucky JK:) Check out and the list only grows everyday:)
I mean there's just such a desire in my heart for marriage and children that I know God has something great ahead, but I know that the wait is still hard. I literally feel like my desire for these things grows more and more each day!
And for so many of my friends that are in the same place, I just want to encourage you. God's timing and His provision are perfect! He has given us this season to pursue Him and His purpose with an undivided heart! To remember our first love and to hold tight to it! For me, something I have really loved about being single and having to move home is the sweet time I get with my family! Look around and look for the reason God has you in this season of singleness and ask Him to help you to appreciate those and dwell on those things so that you won't miss out on the blessings He has for you. (Trust me this is all for me more than anyone. I can definitely say I am in desperate need of this reminder these days!) And lastly know that the wait will be well worth it one day because you were obedient to the Lord in waiting and He will be incredibly faithful to provide an amazing person for you to share life and serve Him alongside! I could go on and on about this but I think I will let the Lord wrap this one up:)
Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

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