Sunday, May 16, 2010

What does it really mean and will I ever REALLY know?

I must confess ... I am not quite what most people would consider normal. Example: I love Mondays. Yes I just said that I LOVE Mondays and it was not sarcastic. They might be one of my favorite days and here is why ... it is a fresh start. Mondays for me are a chance to put the yesterdays behind me and do better, be better. So this means that Sunday nights are usually spent thinking on things I want to improve in my life, and I just thought I would share this weeks thoughts:)

What does it really mean to live like the God of the Universe loves me? I mean REALLY live like it makes a difference in my life? I mean this is a love like no other. A love greater than what my feeble mind can comprehend. A love I take for granted on a daily basis. When I get excited about a restaurant or a new find of any kind I can't wait to share these great things with anyone and everyone. Example: At IHOP once I ordered my favorite pancakes, (Harvest grain and nut) and I wanted to share this great joy with all my friends! I wanted them to taste and see how yummy these pancakes are! SO What will it look like in my life when I truly let the gospel and all it's about and the love it carries and the hope and the joy and the beauty change how I look at others? What will it look like when I excitedly and eagerly beg them to just taste and see? So Lord teach me to be obedient, to be bold, to love like their life depends on it, and to find my confidence fully in You and not in myself.

And what does it mean to become less so that You may be great in my life? To get out of the way so that You are seen and not me? What does that look like for me tomorrow, and the next?
I guess I am going to have to ask the Lord to teach me a little bit of this this week because I have no clue. I mean sure I know of the little pieces of my life that I allow Him to take part in, but oh how I long for it to be more, to be all of me. Show me what that looks like. Where I see the world as Christ does, where I hurt for people as He does, and long to see hearts changed as Jesus does.

So basically my fresh start for this Monday is to jump off the pity party train that so easily invites me to stay for far too long and to find life and joy and fulfillment and beauty in a life lived in the grace of my mighty God.

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