Friday, November 11, 2011

Oh my...

"Oh my" would be the best way to begin this post seeing how I have had a lot to think about over the past week and plenty of down time to think about it all (driving to and from Shreveport and waiting many hours in a waiting room:))

I will start by saying God is wonderfully amazing in His unbelievably perfect timing! I must remember this as I push forward in this game of waiting to discover His plans for my life.

I love that when I am struggling the most with something He gives me a kind and compassionate reminder that He has it all under control and more than that, He has something beyond my wildest dreams in store. I love that when I am struggling and fighting this same battle, allowing myself to believe the same lies, and falling into the same doubts and fears that God is patient and forgiving and gracious. He never ceases to give me the encouragement I need from both His word and from those He has divinely placed in my life. He always strengthens me with a strength that is completely of Him; a strength that allows me to say no when I want to say yes and yes when I want to say no. Strength that conquers all fears!

I will wrap up with saying I want to experience God. Fully, completely experience who God is. I was reading this morning, and I was reminded of how we have the power of Christ in us. "The same power that conquered the grave lives in me, the same love that rescued the earth lives in me..." And boy oh boy how often do I forget that. I let the business and chaos of the day rob me of living in the full power of Christ that resides in me, that I have full and complete access to daily! I mean just let that soak in for a moment: The same power that healed the lame, brought life to the dead, parted the red sea, moved mountains, lives in you. The power that has NO LIMITS resides fully and completely in you! This power can give you the strength to lay down your strongholds, to conquer your fears, to face whatever trials and tribulations that WILL come. It will also give you the love to love the hard to love, the forgiveness to forgive your enemy, the joy in times of difficulty.

As this realization hit me this morning I had to giggle a little as I applied it to my day. I have many times daily where my patience is definitely tested, as anyone who works with or who has children can understand. My quick prayer to the Lord as we were beginning the day went a little something like this: "God I am going to need your power to overcome me in the area of patience. I mean You are beyond patient, and I am definitely struggling with it: In my weakness show Your strength!" Whew it is a work in progress, but I will get there through the power of Christ:)!

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