Sunday, July 22, 2012

Where is beauty found?

I am a girl, therefore I enjoy a nice new outfit and having a good reason to wear it! What girl doesn't want to look and feel beautiful. Boys let me just fill ya in, in case you just joined us from some foreign planet. There isn't a girl out there who doesn't want, no I am sorry, who doesn't NEED to know she is beautiful!  Princess or tomboy, they need to know it, need to hear it. God has placed in our hearts the desire for beauty!

I do believe it is important to see yourself as beautiful on the outside, but I believe much of that beauty begins on the inside. Here is where I believe true beauty begins:

A beautiful mind: Set your mind on things above. Think on things that are pleasing to the Lord. Be positive. Take thoughts captive that are not glorifying to the Lord and don't allow them to take root.
Philippians 4:8-9

Beautiful eyes: 1. Be on guard about what you allow yourself to see. I think mostly of movies and television, media in general. This is a vital part of protecting and guarding your heart. 2. Keep your eyes on the skies. Seek the Lord in all you do. Allow Him to be your focus! 3. See people with the eyes of Christ. See not the outer appearance, but the heart.
Luke 11:34
Psalm 121:1
1 Samuel 16:7

Beautiful lips: Let no unwholesome speech come from your lips. Be an encourager. Be someone who uplifts others. Stand up for what is good and right and holy. And always be praising the Father. You can't help but speak about the things you love! Make a joyful noise to the Lord. The words that you speak are a reflection of your heart. (There are so many verses on this, but here are just a few.)
Psalm 34:1
Ephesians 4:29
Titus 3:2
Proverbs 15:1
Luke 6:45

Beautiful hands: Be a servant, a worker. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. Maybe they are even a little rough and calloused from much toiling.
Matthew 25:34-40
Proverbs 31 

Beautiful feet: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. GO! To the neighbor, to your co-worker, to your family member, to your friends, to the ends of the earth. Whoever God calls you to.
Isaiah 52:7

I will strive to not measure my beauty by the world's standards.  I will take care of this body the Lord has blessed me with and present myself in a way that reflects that. I will measure beauty against God's Word and seek an inward beauty that radiates outwardly.

Ladies seek a beauty that reflects Christ, not the world. Guys seek a beautiful lady that reflects Christ, not the world. And with a quick reference to ole "Magic Mike", ladies, seek a man who reflects Christ and not the world.

Love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Amen Morgan. Always enjoy reading these. Don't stop. :)

    FWIW, you're a beautiful person.
