Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Little Drummer Boy

It's the story of a little drummer boy that tugs at my heart about this time every year.

He was probably not much older than the King of the universe that sat before him, and like Jesus he was a poor boy. A poor boy who had no gift that was fit for a King. But he wanted so badly to present a gift to the Messiah that he asked if he could do the one thing he knew he could do well. The one thing he loved to do. He wanted to give his best to Jesus.

So he played his rum pa pa pum... The animals kept time with him... pa rum pa pa pum
pa rum pa pa pum rum pa pa pum...

He played his best for him and then He smiled at him. The King of the universe smiled at him.

Such a simple story about a simple boy who brought such a seemingly simple gift. As simple as it seems to bring our best to the Lord no matter what it is we tend to :
Make excuses... oh this gift isn't fit for a king so I just won't give anything
Get too distracted to even go to see the King... too busy, too tired, too ____________
Worry too much about what others will think
Give half hearted...

Our God, the Messiah, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Holy One is worthy of our best gifts no matter how seemingly simple they may be. God sees the heart not the gift itself.

1 Samuel 16:7 and Psalm 139:23-24

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