Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Fun Finds...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Laughter and affection!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Patience is a treasured virtue!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's all for His glory!
It is amazing to me how God can turn anything around for His glory, whether it was intended to be by those doing it or not. I am sitting here watching Life on the Discovery Channel, and dear old Oprah (she's just narrating) is talking about evolution every now and then and saying that the earth is billions of years old or what not. And yes I am aware that there things have evolved to adapt to their environments, but I am pretty sure thats not what she's talking about. ANYWAYS back to my point:) This show was not intended to glorify God, or at least that would be my guess, you are welcome to correct me. BUT it absolutely is doing just that!! People all over the country are seeing just how amazing God is, whether they realize it or not. " For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20 Maybe some will see that surely a big God, THE only big God that is, is all that could make this crazy earth and all it's made of work so wonderfully together.
Another thing comes to my mind as I think of how God brings circumstances that the world meant for harm for His glory. When I was in Longview, there were 7-9 or so church fires in the Tyler, TX area. Many might think how terrible and one's initial reaction might be a bit of anger towards the arsonist. But you see the great thing is what these arsonist meant to harm these churches or the church, the body of Christ, in general, God will use for His glory. (I am not real sure the actual reasons these guys did what they did, just to lay that out there.) I never really became angry towards these guys or bitter or saw the tragedy in the situation, I mean PLEASE don't misunderstand, it was an awful thing that these churches went through and I would never wish it on any of them. But as I was listening to the people talk about it on the radio I couldn't help but smile because so much good was coming out of it. Churches were being united, seeking the Lord, praying for their enemies. Communities were seeing the body of Christ and how they endured trials and hardships. Not through anger and bitterness but forgiveness, leaving judgment for the Lord and deeply desiring to see these men come to know the Lord. The men have been caught btw and thankfully that nightmare is over and no one was ever hurt in the fires as far as I know. What these men meant to harm the church, God meant to strengthen it!!! Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
These are only 2 examples, and I pray that we will begin to see the Lord in all kinds of different situations and circumstances daily. The good, the beautiful, the bad, and the ugly.