Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby Steps

I find it quite funny how my life is given to me in baby steps. Especially this nice part of life we like to call growing up:)
* I moved to Texas, which is only 2 hours from Ruston, so I was able to gradually cut those ties and move on. I mean I went back at least once a month, sometimes more:) But I love how special those friendships and that place still is to me.
* I substitute taught for the first year out of college, which allowed me a flexible schedule and the chance to learn more as a teacher.
* I have lived with family so that I can work on paying things off and figuring life out.
* I work at Sylvan so that I can continue learning and growing as a teacher.
* I am going to be working at a small school teaching 12 students at a time (24 all together which is 1 full class for a public school) and teaching only reading, writing, penmanship, Bible, and English.

I am sure there are other ways but these are the big ones. I love that my plans were literally all completely different from these. I mean NOTHING has worked out as I would have planned, but it is so great to see that God knows what I need because it has been all I can handle. I need baby steps even though I would much rather monster gigantic steps. Let me be more clear. Here are my plans (the monster gigangtic step way)
* Teaching my own class at a public school starting last year (09-10). And teaching all subjects not just the few.
* Living anywhere but Louisiana and at home with my parents.
* Married and getting ready to start that cute little family.
I realize this list is small, but the items are quite large. A regular sized class at a public school teaching all the subjects would be a lot to take on for me. Not impossible of course, but it would be quite exhausting as a first year teacher. Being away from family and friends and not having that support, would only add to the stress and exhaustion. Lastly marriage and family will come when God sees fit:) I must still have things to learn as a single little lady, so I shall do just that! So although I still think and dream in monster steps and still want life to happen that way, I am learning that God knows better for me and I will trust Him that He has amazing things ahead!

Now enough of these same old posts....I plan to change things up a bit this is just where life has been lately.

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