Monday, July 26, 2010

Stop and stare

The ocean
The sky
The mountains
A fire
The country side

As I was driving home today, I was completely amazed by these wonderfully large and fluffy clouds. They were so pretty, and I just thought they were great! I couldn't help but think about how I could just stop and stare at the sky and become completely lost in the beauty of my God in all of His creation. And if you think about it, all of the places that I listed above are places that most people can just stop and stare and forget the world around them. Whether it's a night sky full of stars, a cloudy sky, a roaring ocean, a majestic mountain range, a rolling hillside, or a plain that stretches out over the horizon, God's greatness is clearly displayed! Romans 1:20. I love that we are completely captivated by creation that shows off a teeny tiny portion of how BIG our God is. I could literally probably stare at these things and be more amazed as each moment passes. May I always remember how big my God is, and that I am nothing and that He does not need me in the least... but that He chooses me! to love me and to hold me and to bless me and to save me and to give me a hope and purpose!

Isaiah 55:8-9
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."

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