Saturday, March 12, 2011

For such a time as this...

So just when I thought I was doing great with this whole waiting thing, we start a Bible study on none other than waiting. I was even to the point where I no longer saw it as a terrible 4 letter word and was instead embracing it. I was actually excited about what this beautiful chapter of life had to hold. But then as we began the study, all my past hurts and hang ups are brought back to the surface nice and strong! But the beauty of a struggle is the strength that comes from God alone and the lessons He teaches with each step of the weary journey.

A while back I taught my 2nd graders the story of Esther. Such a wonderful story of God placing you right where He wants you, so that He can work in incredible ways in and through you! I am very thankful that this story came when it did because in this journey of waiting, God has constantly been reminding me of the verse Esther 4:14 "... Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Now I am very aware as I sit in my sweats on my not so neat bed that I am not a queen who has the ability to save an entire nation of people, but I do believe that God has placed many of us if not all of us in our places in life for such a time as this. Now who knows what our "this" is. Only God can truly know that, but I absolutely believe that I am not by fault or failure in the place that I am. It is so easy to fall into that trap. I believe that God has a divine plan for my life, even when it seems a little dull and drudging. Even if it means I am just in a place of waiting. James 1:4 "But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing."

Also I believe waiting has a lot to do with faith. As you continue on in the 1st chapter of James (James 1:1-8), it talks about asking and believing that God is going to answer your prayers. Many times I have said "if I get married or if I have kids or if whatever" and it is as though I am saying maybe God won't answer the desires of my heart. So now I stand believing and not saying "if" but instead saying "when" and looking to see the blessings He has given me here and now in this chapter of my life. Here are just a few:)

A lot of family time, a wonderful job, a free place to stay and eat;), new friends (but oh how I miss some old ones), m-fuge job this summer, too much time to watch too much tv (I don't see that as much of a blessing now, but I am sure one day I will appreciate this slow time in life), an undivided heart to grow in my relationship with my Lord.

So I pray no matter what stage of life you are in, good, bad, or indifferent you will look for God's hand in everything!

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