Thursday, March 10, 2011

Road Trip!

So I spent my Mardi Gras in Oklahoma hanging out with some wonderful youth and meeting some Natives. It was a quick trip, and I am always amazed at how much God can teach you and do through you in such a short amount of time.

Of course on most every mission trip I have been on, nothing went as planned. 1st lesson in any trip is to be flexible and patient and just wait on the Lord. He will make sure that you are doing all that He brought you there to do. But it was so exciting to see the youth and everyone on the trip eager to serve!

Mission trips can be very discouraging at times. We want to feel like we have accomplished something when we leave and to do that we need to see some results. Most of the time we don't just want to see some results, we want to see big results. I am thankful that God has allowed me to see that sometimes we are just looking for the wrong results. We had students come to our block party, and we were able to share the gospel with them and have them begin to think about this man named Jesus, maybe even begin to question their tribe's religion that they believe so strongly in. We were able to set the stage for the next Christian group to come in.

Another great result of this trip was that so many of our sweet little youth were able to see that they can step out of their comfortable box and talk to a complete stranger. And trust me, these were not always the easiest people to get a conversation started with, but they kept trying.

I was also able to see first hand the incredible need for work to be done in Native American cultures. There are a lot of lies that these people are taught from day one that have become so instilled in who they are that it will only be by the power of God that these walls will be broken down for them to see the truth of the gospel. I have always had a desire to work with Native Americans, and I look forward to doing more one day.

There's always so much that can be shared about mission trips but I will keep it short and simple:)

And I also was given some great news right before I went to bed the night I got home from Oklahoma. I am going to be an aunt! Congratulations Nicole and Philip!!

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