Sunday, May 11, 2014

Seasons of Change

The end of a season of my life is nearing...well by the time I post this, it is probably wrapping up. I have been writing on this post for a bit to make sure it is just right.

A private school was the last place I thought I would work because of financial reasons. I could blame it on the terrible economy I was "blessed" to enter into after graduating college, but I prefer to believe it was all in God's perfect plan. I wound up at Amite Christian School teaching 2nd grade. I thought it would just be a good place to get my feet wet. And while it was indeed that, it became so much more! I have learned so much as a teacher and in life in general. See each spring time, the question that would surface around my family went a little something like "So are you going to try to get in the public schools next year?" Each year I made an effort. Well, the first year you may not really call it an effort. The next year I actually looked at the applications for the public schools in our area. The next I actually filled them out and dropped some resumes off. And then this year, I went ahead and said from the beginning of the year that it would be my last year at Amite. I had to or I may never have left. Especially with the great things that the Lord is doing there. I have come to truly love the school not because they have it all together (no place is perfect), but because the people (students, faculty, administration, and families of our students) began to take more and more of a special place in my heart. It became a such a sweet place for me.

As students have begun to find out that I will not be returning next year, I have received sweet notes and tight, loving hugs! I have disappointed a kitchen worker or two who will have to find someone else to give a hard time about their hair or outfit or the way they fix their beverage at the break of dawn each day. Another reason I need coffee some days;). As a side note, these guys make me laugh each day...most days...and I will dearly miss them. They helped me remember to smile despite some rough days, and they didn't even know they were doing it.

I have been blessed to teach some of the sweetest, most precious children. I love to see them succeed academically and learn to be a friend to one another. This school is a place where children learn to love one another, to serve their classmates, teachers, and people they have never even met. We pray for unreached people groups, give to children less fortunate (compassion international), and so much more. Because of the efforts of our administration, staff, and parents, I witness daily my students showing genuine selflessness and care for others. I learn a lot from them!

Most importantly I love seeing their love for Christ. Friends, I tell you that the combination of great parenting and good schooling and most importantly God's sovereign hand on these children...He is raising up some beautiful people for this generation!

I will dearly miss getting to teach Bible. Getting to openly use God's Word as an instrument to redirect poor behavior. Reminding children to love all people as God loves them. Playing kids' praise as we work. Tuesday morning chapel.

I have thoroughly enjoyed each of my 4 classes. I have sweet memories from each of them, and from each student! And I couldn't ask for a sweeter class to end this season with. They are so loving and precious! I could go on and on but I will simply share a few highlights from this year and a few pictures.

*One student says this while another teacher's hand is in his mouth wiggling a tooth. I must have walked past and he said "Ah I wish she was my age" She believes he was talking about me. I don't care if that's true, I am just going to believe it is because I needed to be reminded that someone wanted to be my friend that day;).

* While discussing anything to do with the word "kiss", "love", and "being a gentleman" The boys shake their head and get throws me off my teaching game because I just have to laugh. I love their innocence! We recently discussed how boys should make sure a girl has a proper seat, you would have thought I had told them they had to hold their hands or something. I hope to always stay in the age-range where boys and girls don't have all of the drama of whose "dating" who!

*One student always compliments me on something I am wearing that day. I may or may not have been a little flattered when she compared me to Fancy Nancy. And I may or may not consider whether or not she would compliment my outfit as I select what I will wear that day;).

 Right before a group hug turned into a big pile of children;).

I receive the sweetest notes that make my day! I put these up to 1. show how sweet their precious hearts are 2. to save them because I don't want to lose them. I didn't post them to brag because trust me I am quite unworthy of such kind words, but I'll take them!

Despite the fact that I will dearly miss the season of life, I am not dreading the season of change to come. I am not a crier, even though I keep waiting for the day that it will hit me that I won't have this class stopping by next year on their way to their new classes to give me hugs, and I won't get to teach some of the precious 1st graders coming up. I am not really sad about leaving. I am, but the timing and all just feels right. I am not stressed even though I am facing uncertain unemployment. I am at complete peace! That is such a wonderful feeling. I feel like I should be I am not doing something right, but I know that God has plans for my tomorrow. I look forward to being in a place where I am open to whatever opportunities He opens up for me. Side note: I may say I am stressed but it's more because I DREAD and DETEST the job search process!

I know that the change to the public school system will be good for me. I look forward to new challenges and learning and growing more as a teacher. I am very excited about the possibilities.
As sad as I will be to leave this sweet school, I am trusting that God has something great ahead. If you were to ask me what my 5 year plan was at my college graduation, it would look very different than where I am now...very. And while those hopes and dreams are still the desires of my heart, as I reflect on the past 4 years, I am overwhelmed to see that God knows just where I need to be. And as I enter into a time of change and uncertainty (As I have said,I do not have a job for the fall's just the way it has to work out sometimes if you know much about the school systems...), I am learning to trust in God's perfect plan. I am not a fan of not having a solid plan. Like I got nothing:/. I am a teacher, which makes me a's one of the big interview questions "How do you plan for your lessons/day?". Thankfully I had great teachers in college who stressed this, so I usually nail that question;).

My prayers are:
- that I survive the interview/job search process! I really, strongly, fiercely dislike the process of job searching, applications, and most dreadfully interviewing. Prayers are more than welcome!

- that I will be right where God wants me and that I will be patient in waiting for Him to lead me there. I pray that I will continue to not make my own  plans, so that I can see His plans more clearly.

- that I will push through when I am weary and worn from the process...or that God let's this process be quick and painless...ahhh a girl can dream! I am sure most people don't see this process as such a big deal, but for me it's the worst:/ I know there will be a lot of opportunities to learn and grow...there already have been but I would prefer to learn and grow with a secure job;).

Lastly...the truth of God's word that offers the strength and encouragement to begin a season of complete uncertainty...

" But those who wait on the Lord,
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the Lord.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, 
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9

There are so many more but those are 2 of my favorites. Thank you to all of those who have been encouraging me already through this. I look forward to this next season, but I will be doing all I can to stay present in my today because I still have to 2 sweet weeks and 2 days left. I know it will go by too fast! 

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